Sport horses have higher needs in energy, but the horse keeper needs to keep in mind not to oversupply in proteins. Oats and wheat tend to have a “heating effect”, which means the horse could be fresher and more reactive towards outside factors. A factor to take in account is the fact that extra work load does not only increases energy needs but can also increase energy itself, and stress.
A sport horse working hard (1,2 and 3 h per day), body weight = 600 kg
Need VEP:
Maintenance: 4730 VEP
Work bonus ( ¼ light, ¼ normal, ½ heavy):
2010 VEP
4020 VEP
6030 VEP
Total: 1) 6740 VEP
Total: 2) 8750 VEP
Total: 3) 10760 VEP
Need VRE:
Maintenance: 360
Work bonus:
Total: 1) 496,25 VRE
Total: 2) 632,5 VRE
Total: 3) 768,75 VRE
Ration: Good quality hay (547 VEP; 89 VRE) and Active Plus (810 VEP; 75 VRE)
8 kg hay: 4376 VEP; 712 VRE
1) 3 kg Active Plus: 2430 VEP; 225 VRE
2) 5,5 kg Active Plus: 4455 VEP; 412,5 VRE
3) 8 kg Active Plus: 6480 VEP; 600 VRE
1) 6806 VEP; 937 VRE
2) 8831 VEP; 1124,5 VRE
3) 10856 VEP; 1312 VRE (DS = 6,64 kg + 6,96 = 13,60 kg)
Two problems arise in this example. On the one hand the protein surplus rises as the work load progresses and the amount of concentrate rises. On the other hand, the horse in the last example, with the heavier work load has to ingest quite a lot of feed and is likely to be less hungry, and subsequently be prone to become a ‘difficult eater’. A 600 kg horse can digest around 2;2 x 6 kg = 13,2 kg.
For both problems, there is an obvious solution. Instead of the recreational mixture, a more concentrated mixture is advised. A mixture with about the same VRE as the Active Plus, but with more energy per kg. In this way less kilos need to be fed (problem 2 solved) and subsequently less protein, as the protein level per kg stays the same). Lannoo Sport is developed explicitly with these goals in mind. However, this concentrate contains high levels of oats (35%) which is discouraged for hot and nervous horses. Especially for these horses Lannoo conceived the Sport Endurance; a mixture with lots of energy, but no oats.
Another mixture is developed to be fed in addition to silage.The Low Protein Mix. As the silage is high in protein, this mixture only has a 10% level to counter a protein surplus but still produces enough energy for sporting horses.
For even heavier training, we have a special concentrate, Lannoo Sport Plus. A product which tries to counter all problems mentioned above, but still produces enough energy for the horse.
In conclusion, we also have some specialized products in our range for particular purposes.
The Sport Corrector is a concentrate that needs to be fed alongside 50% of cereals, in order to have an effect similar to the Sport Plus Mixture.
High Digest is a concentrate that’s very easily digestible for horses with a increased risk for liver issues.
For horses with a particularly high work load, or after intense episodes in the training schedule, Lannoo offers a little extra to help them recuperate, Mash Herbs. The Mash Herbs product is especially digestible, and is composed of some laxative components such as toasted flax seed and bran, in addition to electrolytes and a mixture of herbs to improve appetite, respiration and blood circulation.