Compact Gras

Compact Gras

100% Gedroogd gras, stof & schimmelvrij

Feeding advice

To replace or combine with your current roughage; Hartog Compact Gras also combines excellently with Hartog Lucerne-mix

To meet the roughage requirements of your horse, you need to feed 1.5 kg of roughage daily per 100 kg of the horse’s weight. Due to the high nutritional value of this product compared to hay or grass silage, you can reduce the concentrates that you give your horse.

Compact Gras

100% Gedroogd gras, stof & schimmelvrij

For Hartog Compact Gras we use a meticulously selected mix of fibre-rich grasses especially for horses. To feed horses as natural a manner as possible, Hartog has developed a unique product called Compact Gras.

Compact Gras is tightly compressed into a small bale for convenient storage and handling. It does not have to be broken up before being fed to horses. By serving a bale of Compact Gras in the Hartog Feed Box XL, a horse’s eating rate in the stall is slowed so that it matches the natural grazing behaviour in the field more.

  • 100% dried grass with no additives

  • Tasty and healthy

  • Prevents boredom in the stable

  • Consistent quality

  • Free of dust and mould

  • Protected with a plastic covering

Hartog Feeding box

A special Feeding Box is available for dispensing Hartog Compact Gras. The Hartog Feeding box consists of an anti-spill edge that prevents loss of food. Approximately half a bale of Hartog Compact Gras can fit into such a container.

Feeding advice

To replace or combine with your current roughage; Hartog Compact Gras also combines excellently with Hartog Lucerne-mix

To meet the roughage requirements of your horse, you need to feed 1.5 kg of roughage daily per 100 kg of the horse’s weight. Due to the high nutritional value of this product compared to hay or grass silage, you can reduce the concentrates that you give your horse.

Voeders Lannoo-Martens BV
Eugeen Meeusstraat 6, 2170 Merksem (Belgium)
KBO 0461.284.884
RPR Antwerp, division Antwerp

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